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hope / DILEMA

AS LONGAS DURAÇÕES QUE ESTRUTURAM A HISTÓRIA NÃO SE APAGAM POR MAIS EVIDENCIADO QUE SEJA O QUOTIDIANO FÁCTICOMost Americans remember exactly where and when they learned about terrorist attacks in America on September 11th, 2001 and regard these events as a turning point that forever changed their sense of security in the United States. Were Americans safe from attack prior to this date? No. History reveals over 125 major incidents of subterfuge, terror, or violence on American soil by enemies within its borders many with deadly consequences and grave impact. Each time, Americans responded with renewed patriotism, determination, and a quandary: how can the country be made more secure without compromising the civil liberties upon which it was founded?
THE ENEMY WITHIN reveals dramatic episodes in American history, from 1776 to the present, when the US was attacked at home. How the country acted -- and sometimes over-reacted-- resulted in the evolution of US counterintelligence and security measures that have positioned the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Homeland Security, and the vigilance of every American, to contend with the enemy within today.